Carpet Buying Guide
First point: One of the most important points in buying a carpet is to consider the method of using the carpet and the place of spreading the carpet. For example, a rug that is spread out in the living room is usually very crowded, and a rug that is spread out in the bedroom or kitchen is usually less frequent on the rug. In choosing carpets for such places, durable and durable carpets should be considered for busy places, as well as soft carpets with cheerful colors for low-traffic spaces. Carpets suitable for the living room, high-density carpets such as 1200-shoulder machine-made carpets and carpets suitable for the bedroom are low-density carpets such as 700-comb machine-made carpets.
Second point: in choosing the best car carpet, we should also pay attention to our lifestyle. If you have a child at home or you keep a pet, use carpets that have a crowded design and pattern so that they do not show dirt on them. And if you are a small family, you can use carpets that have a light color with less design and role.
Third point: if you have considered a carpet for a place that is exposed to dust and dirt, dark background carpets such as: crimson background carpet, carbon blue and oil blue background carpets, etc. are dirty and dusty. They show the soil clearly and are not suitable for such places, and also the cream-covered carpets mark the footprints. The best carpets for places that are exposed to dust are carpets with almond and walnut background.
Tip 4: Most people choose a carpet for their home that covers the area around the house, but this is wrong. Always try to buy a rug that is at least half a meter away from the walls so that the rear bases of items such as sofas are on the floor.
Tip 5: Never use the same color to set the carpet with the sofa or the carpet with the home furniture, and always use contrasting colors such as white and black or cream and brown to make the home furniture look more beautiful and attractive. Furniture of one color makes the space and environment of the house dull
Tip 6: If you are considering a rug for a small space and you want the space of the house to be shown larger, use carpets with a light background, because such rugs show the space of the house is larger than it is, and if a rug for You are planning a very large and secluded place. Choose a carpet with a crowded design and pattern and with a dark background to make the space and environment of the house more attractive and lively. Dark background rugs create a cozy, warm and intimate atmosphere.